how to use snus

  1. How to use Swedish snus, nicotine pouches or chewing tobacco?

    How to use Swedish snus, nicotine pouches or chewing tobacco?

    How to use Swedish snus, nicotine pouches or chewing tobacco?


    After some discussions about chewing tobacco, nicotine pouches or SNUS use we have decided to share experience with you


    First of all there is NO right way to use SNUS or Chewing tobacco, it´s up to you how you prefer. 

    First of all it´s ment to be used under upper lip to make sure that nicotine goes straight in.


    After a small research there is 4 types of users:


    1. The most of users use pouch just one time and keeps it always at the same place so they have the same habit every time they use snus/ chew.


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  2. What is Swedish SNUS, how to use SNUS and how to keep SNUS products fresh?

    What is Swedish SNUS, how to use SNUS and how to keep SNUS products fresh?

    What is Swedish SNUS, how to use SNUS and how to keep SNUS products fresh?


    Snus is a moist powder smokeless tobacco product originating from a variant of dry snuff in early 18th-century in Sweden. It is

    placed in upper lip for extended periods, usually between 15 to 30 minutes. Snus is not fermented. Although it is used

    similarly to American dipping tobacco, snus does not typically result in the need for spitting.

    Sale of snus is illegal in all the  EU countries exept Sweden. Local varieties of snus, growing in popularity in the United States,

    have been seen as an alternative to smoking, vaping, e-smoking, chewing, dipping, dissolvable and snuff tobacco. But same

    time US-manufactured snus does not have the same production standards or ingredients

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  3. How to use Swedish Snus and tobacco free nicotine pouches

    How to use Swedish Snus and tobacco free nicotine pouches

    Swedish snus and tobacco-free nicotine pouches are popular alternatives to smoking cigarettes, especially in Sweden and other parts of Scandinavia. These products are made from high-quality tobacco and nicotine, and they come in a variety of flavors and strengths. If you're interested in using Swedish snus or tobacco-free nicotine pouches, here are some tips to help you get started.

    What is Swedish Snus?

    Swedish snus is a moist powder tobacco that is usually placed under the upper lip for extended periods. It's a popular product in Sweden, where it's been used for over two centuries. Swedish snus is different from American smokeless tobacco products because it's pasteurized instead of fermented. This means that it contains lower levels of nitrosamines, which are harmful chemicals found in tobacco.

    Swedish snus comes in two forms: loose snus and portion snus. Loose snus is a powder that needs to be shaped by hand and placed under the lip. Portion snus comes pre-packaged

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